
The European magazine with German-French roots

Initiated by

What is combuyn about?

M&A Review from Germany and Fusions & Acquisitions Magazine from France are pleased to announce that they have finally found a name for their project launched in 2020. Please welcome the first edition of COMBUYN. COMBUYN is a joint initiative of the French-speaking M&A magazine “Fusions & Acquisitions” and the German speaking “M&A REVIEW”. Both magazines developed over three decades each in parallel and are among the oldest magazines in the field of M&A in Europe.


Martina Guérassimova (owner Fusions & Acquisitions) and Stefan Schneider (owner M&A REVIEW) decided to join forces to develop a new online magazine for the European M&A market: COMBUYN.  COMBUYN is the quintessence of an idea that brought us both together and drove us from the beginning. A combination of two complementary publishing houses that want to serve their communities in the M&A and PE sectors with an English-language magazine. Today, our communities are not local any more but Europeans, even global, worldwide. Their media support must follow this trend.

In light of recent political, economic as well as technological trends, COMBUYN offers European M&A market participants guidance with multitude of articles and services on M&A at one place. The webpresence will be developped during the next months - step by step. The articles and topics cover current market and legal developments in cross-border M&A with focus on Europe. The content provided can be deepened in topic-specific webinars on our COMBUYN platform. With this service, COMBUYN covers a gap in the M&A market that has been identified by many market participants in the past looking for independent guidance.

Issue #5: The industrial and automotive markets in 2023

When we planned and realized the November issue of M&A REVIEW, entitled “M&A in the automotive and industrial sectors”, we didn't realize how positively it would be received by the M&A community in the DACH region. However, as the topic is also an important one for Europe - think, for example, of the merger of Fiat and Chrysler, the takeover of Opel by PSA and Tesla's investment in SolarCity - we decided to make this issue available for the English-speaking community as well.

Our current issue is dedicated to these dynamic changes in these industries and presents you with insights into the latest trends and developments in the M&A sector. Various insights into different  market segments such as the chemical industry, the lighting industry or automation & robotics industries are presented.

But also an impressive number of instructive specialist’s articles on the automotive sector are provided.

We would like to offer you inspiration and show you the way to successfully organize M&A deals in these markets. 

Enjoy reading


Special Issue - Private Equity IPEM edition

We are pleased to be able to contribute an issue to IPEM again this year.

The markets in 2023 were strongly influenced by the fear of a recession and rising interest rates. The associated uncertainty was one of the reasons that led to a reduction in transaction volume worldwide. In the first six months of 2023, for example, the global transaction volume fell by around 4 percent compared to the second half of 2022. The private equity industry in Europe was not spared from this either.

In this issue, we look not only at the individual developments in Europe's main markets, but also at the challenges facing the private equity industry as a result of these changed market conditions. Selected industry experts from renowned companies and organisations highlight different measures that can be implemented to overcome these challenges.

We would like to thank our contributors from the various organisations and companies that have supported us in the realisation of our project, namely AON, Centre for Private Equity and MBO Research (CMBOR), Equistone Partners Europe, EY, EY Parthenon, France Invest, Jasmin Capital, Latham & Watkins LLP, Scotto Partners and Spark Avocats.


Issue#3: Insurance in M&A Transactions

The question whether insurance is still a suitable instrument to facilitate M&A transactions is not unjustified. After all, market forecasts for mergers and acquisitions in 2023 were cautious. Managers and investors have learned from the last crisis years and are aware of the risks of high valuations. The forecasts have proved accurate, as fears of a recession and rising interest rates have created many new challenges. If we look at the on the transaction volume globally, it has fallen by 4 per cent in the first six months of 2023 compared to the second half of 2022.

But how has the market for insurance in M&A transactions compared to the downward trajectory of the global M&A market? To answer this question, we asked Marsh's team of authors Dr. Philipp Giessen and Robert Nachama to give their perspective on the DACH market, which is significant in Europe.

This issue proposes a look at current market developments, existing instruments and the latest trends in transaction risk insurance from different perspectives.

We would like to thank our partners from insurers, brokers, law firms and other transaction participants, namely Acquinex, Arqis, DBR-Holding & Allianz Global Investors, HWF Partners, Liberty Global Transaction Solutions, Marsh and Reed Smith LLP, who have supported us in jointly undertaking this project.


Issue#2: Real Estate Investments - The main Trends

What was the impact of Covid and the war in Ukraine on the real estate sector and its main trends ?

This special issue allowed us to ask this question to some of the “key players”. Although different in terms of origins, objectives and investment strategies, all these players agree on a number of points.

“The entire real estate industry has started to move ahead and is now fully integrating ESG issues into its behaviours,” says Hadrien Karabachian, Transaction Manager, Real Estate, at BlackRock Alternatives.

Whether you are convinced or not, ESG has become the key word for any real estate deal. The reason is simple. Everybody is concerned: driven by good sense or ... by the new legislation. Let us not forget that the ESG is composed of three letters. The 'E' is often highlighted, given the climate emergency, but the 'S' and 'G' are no less important. Inclusion, equity and diversity are the keywords of tomorrow.


We are pleased to have been able to unite important players in the real estate market in this issue.  And we thank the organisers of MIPIM for giving us the opportunity to publish our magazine at what is probably the most important trade fair for real estate in Europe.


Issue #1: Private Equity in challenging times

"In a challenging market environment with nearly double-digit inflation rates and ongoing supply chain disruptions still originating from early COVID-19 lock downs in 2020, Portfolio Companies need to focus on three areas to continue to create value for their stakeholders: Finance Excellence, Inflation Management and Supply Chain Stability. PE funds, which have already been actively involved in operational value creation at their Portfolio Companies in the past, ideally with their own Operations teams, will be best positioned to navigate through turbulent times."

These and other similar statements can be found in the first issue of Combuyn, made by market experts from Goldman Sachs, Clifford Chance, Lazard, EY, AON, Dechert, and Permira.

We choose to publish the first issue for IPEM (23-25 January 2003 in Cannes), the place where the European PE community meets. So it’s probably the most appropriate to present COMBUYN to it’s future readers.

We would like to thank our partners and sponsors from investment banks, M&A consultancies, insurance broker and law firms who have supported us in this venture.

We hope you enjoy the issues! Follow us on LinkedIn or visit us on our website, which will continue to evolve over the coming weeks and months.


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